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When others falter at working without a paycheck, we will step forward as volunteers. When some are paralyzed with fear and indecision by the vacuum of authority at higher levels, we may offer our services in making the hard choices and tough decisions necessary which will make sure that our communities are kept safe. When power is abnegated, we will pick it up, and when authority is abdicated, we will claim it, for the greater good.Ī White man who shows up at our borders with a hungry family, when shown that we will feed them and find them housing, will be willing to take the shovel we hand him and begin to dig trenches. After proving their trustworthiness, the same hands will accept rifles and man barricades to keep others from coming in and taking the food of which his family now shares. The same man, if he had networked with us a year earlier and made the move before The Balk began, would be sitting on councils determining where trenches should be dug and where barricades should be established, as well as prioritizing rations and housing for other people’s families. Decisions will be made about allocating unused public lands for farming, hunting, and refugee tent cities, potentially. Work assignments must be distributed for those who would earn their keep. Public health and sanitation must be upheld. Utilities and essential services must be maintained. There will be plenty of suitable work to go around for everyone, as well as for those who assign those tasks, as well.

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All of this will be done in cooperation with any surviving local and County level governmental institutions, of course, just as our people may be deputized by the pre-existing or a new Sheriff to serve as law enforcement, as necessity dictates.

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