Assault android cactus music files
Assault android cactus music files

assault android cactus music files

The tutorial can also be played in multiplayer from the Stage Select menu

assault android cactus music files

Tutorial support for up to four players - starting a game with cleared settings will now ask you to confirm players before progressing to the tutorial.Aubergine's singularity has had a minor damage increase and when using mouse and keyboard, Helo now controls cursor visuals for Centrifuge (world 5 - 1) with rebalanced enemies - as a result the leaderboard has been reset.New playable character - Shiitake - she can be unlocked by defeating Justice.She's not as unorthodox as Aubergine, but still has her own tactics and strengths and we'll be paying close attention to how well she integrates into the game! We are also very much looking forwards to hearing peoples impressions of Shiitake. We're now keen to hear feedback, either on the forum or you can contact us directly through email or twitter, although if you do get stuck on Justice, please give him another go with different characters and try varying your tactics! We want to hear about initial frustrations, but it's more constructive if it's in the context of having seen his entire battle. If you recall the transformation between initial Vespula and her current state, you can expect something similar! Our priority was getting his gameplay to where we wanted it then getting into your hands. Justice is work in progress, both him and his stage will see a substantial overhaul then continued refinement over following updates.


In this update we are excited to release the third world boss, Justice, and our next playable character, Shiitake! Assault Android Cactus greatest weakness is that it defines itself as an 'arcade dual stick shooter' in such a traditional fashion that its limited by that.

Assault android cactus music files